
How to Change Country Region on Google Play Store

How to Change Country Region on Google Play Store

How to Change Country Region on Google Play Store

buayaberdiri.blogspot.com - If you have moved to a different country or region, or if you want to access apps and content that are not available in your current location, you might want to change your country region on Google Play Store. This can be done by following these steps:

  1. Open the Google Play Store app on your Android device.
  2. Tap on the menu icon (three horizontal lines) on the top left corner of the screen.
  3. Tap on Account.
  4. Under Country and profiles, you will see the current country region that is associated with your Google account. If you have access to multiple country regions, you will see a list of them. Tap on the country region that you want to switch to.
  5. You will see a warning message that says: "You can only change your Play country once per year. When you change your country, you won't be able to use your Google Play balance from your old country in your new country." Tap on Continue to proceed.
  6. You will be asked to enter a payment method that is valid in the new country region. This is required to verify your identity and location. You can choose to add a credit or debit card, or a PayPal account. Tap on Add payment method and follow the instructions.
  7. Once you have added a payment method, you will see a confirmation message that says: "Your Google Play country has been updated." Tap on Done to finish the process.

You have successfully changed your country region on Google Play Store. You can now browse and download apps and content that are available in the new location. However, keep in mind that some apps and content might not work properly or might not be compatible with your device in the new country region. Also, if you change your country region again within a year, you will lose access to your Google Play balance and some of your purchases from the previous country region.

Google Play Store is an online store where people can find and download their favorite apps, games, movies, TV shows, books and more for their Android devices. Google Play Store offers over 2 million apps and games to billions of users around the world, generating over $120 billion in earnings for developers to date.

Google Play Store allows developers to distribute their apps and games to different countries and regions, depending on their preferences and requirements. Developers can choose which countries and regions they want to make their app available in, and also change their availability settings at any time.

Changing the country or region of an app may affect its visibility and performance on Google Play Store. Developers should consider the following factors before changing their availability settings:

  • The Google Play Store implements a service fee solely for developers who provide paid applications or sell in-app digital goods and services. Merely a small fraction of 3% of developers on the Google Play Store fall under the purview of this service fee. In contrast, the vast majority of 97% of developers can freely distribute their applications and avail themselves of the full range of benefits that the Google Play Store provides without incurring any charges.
  • The Google Play Store offers a variety of promotional opportunities and programs aimed at assisting developers in reaching, retaining, and re-engaging users. Notable examples of these initiatives include Play Pass and Play Points. Through these programs, developers are provided with valuable tools and resources to enhance user engagement and maximize their app's visibility and impact within the Google Play ecosystem. Developers should check if these programs are available in their target countries or regions, and how they can participate in them.
  • Google Play Store has different content policies and rating systems for different countries and regions. Developers should ensure that their app complies with the local laws and regulations of each country or region that they distribute their app in.

Google Play Store is a powerful platform for developers to showcase their apps and games to a global audience, and grow their businesses. By choosing the right countries and regions for their app, developers can optimize their app's performance and user satisfaction on Google Play Store.

To change the country or region of an app, developers need to have a Google Play Console account and follow these steps:

  1. Open Play Console and select the app that they want to manage availability for.
  2. Go to the Production page.
  3. Select the Countries / regions tab.
  4. Click Add countries / regions or Remove countries / regions.
  5. Select the countries or regions that they want to add or remove.
  6. Click Save changes.

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