
How to Learn a Calculator Basic in Javascript

What is Calculator ?

How to build a Calculator in HTML CSS and Javascript

buayaberdiri.blogspot.com - A calculator is a tool or device that is used to perform mathematical calculations. It can perform a wide range of mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation, and more complex operations like trigonometric and logarithmic functions. Calculators can be physical devices with buttons and screens, or they can be software applications that run on a computer or a mobile device.

A calculator works by taking numerical inputs from the user, either through physical buttons or on-screen buttons, and performing a mathematical operation on those inputs to produce a result. The user enters numbers and the calculator performs operations based on the buttons that are pressed. Modern calculators can perform more advanced mathematical functions beyond basic arithmetic, and some calculators can even be programmed to perform custom functions or equations.

The process of using a calculator involves entering the values and operators for the desired calculation, and then pressing the "=" button to obtain the result. For example, to add two numbers, the user would enter the first number, press the "+" button, enter the second number, and then press the "=" button to obtain the sum of the two numbers. The calculator then performs the calculation and displays the result.

How to Make a Calculator in HTML CSS and Javascript

To create a basic calculator in JavaScript, follow these steps:

  1. Create an HTML file with input fields for the numbers and buttons for the operations.
  2. In the HTML file, include a script tag to link to your JavaScript file.
  3. In the JavaScript file, create variables to hold the input fields and buttons using the document.getElementById() method.
  4. Add event listeners to the buttons that call functions when clicked.
  5. Write functions to perform the basic math operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) using the input values.
  6. Display the result of the calculation in a designated output field on the HTML page.
  7. Here's an example of what the JavaScript code might look like:

Javacript Code :

// Step 3
let num1 = document.getElementById("num1");
let num2 = document.getElementById("num2");
let addButton = document.getElementById("add");
let subtractButton = document.getElementById("subtract");
let multiplyButton = document.getElementById("multiply");
let divideButton = document.getElementById("divide");
let output = document.getElementById("output");

// Step 4
addButton.addEventListener("click", addNumbers);
subtractButton.addEventListener("click", subtractNumbers);
multiplyButton.addEventListener("click", multiplyNumbers);
divideButton.addEventListener("click", divideNumbers);

// Step 5
function addNumbers() {
  let result = parseInt(num1.value) + parseInt(num2.value);
  output.innerHTML = "Result: " + result;

function subtractNumbers() {
  let result = parseInt(num1.value) - parseInt(num2.value);
  output.innerHTML = "Result: " + result;

function multiplyNumbers() {
  let result = parseInt(num1.value) * parseInt(num2.value);
  output.innerHTML = "Result: " + result;

function divideNumbers() {
  let result = parseInt(num1.value) / parseInt(num2.value);
  output.innerHTML = "Result: " + result;

In this example, the calculator performs four basic math operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). The input fields for the two numbers are assigned to num1 and num2, and the buttons for each operation are assigned to their respective variables. The output variable refers to a designated output field on the HTML page.

When a button is clicked, its corresponding function is called. The function performs the operation using the values of num1 and num2, and displays the result in the output field. Note that we use parseInt() to convert the input values from strings to numbers before performing the math operations.

You can build upon this basic example to add additional functionality to your calculator, such as handling decimal values, implementing more advanced math functions, or improving the user interface.

See the article about javascript here:

  1. Learn Array Method - forEach, map, reduce, filter
  2. Learn Basics Array In Javascript
  3. Learn Basics Asynchronous In Javascript
  4. How To Change String Value Using Replace in Javascript

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